The Best Sex Toys For Guys

best sex toys for guys

Sex toys for guys have become more mainstream than ever, and it’s not uncommon to see men with a handful of different products on their bedside tables. The right sex toy can give you a new and exciting solo experience, as well as help you enhance your partner’s pleasure. Here, we’ve put together a list of some of the best sex toys for guys to help you find your perfect match.


For many people, strokers are the most satisfying way to enjoy masturbation with a penis. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all have the same goal: to flex around your dick for 360-degree pleasure. Some vibrate, some heat up, and some even have buttons that let you tailor pressure exactly where it’s needed most.

According to sex therapist Finn Kort, these devices “are an excellent way to extend your BJ sessions and get extra stimulation in areas that may not be reachable otherwise.” They can also provide a different sensation when used with lube, as well as increase sensitivity during partnered play.

Butt plugs

If you’re a beginner in anal play, starting with a butt plug is a good place to start, says Kort. It’s a simple and inexpensive toy that’s not too big or hard to use, making it easy to get your feet wet.

Prostate massagers

These toys are shaped like vibrators, but feature a unique curve that stimulates the prostate anally. They’re popular among men who seek a deep penetration experience, says Dr. Steven Snyder, a New York City-based sex therapist and author.

They also come in a range of shapes, including cones with flared bases and straight-shaped toys. They’re a good choice for beginners and those who seek more control over their anal experiences, but they don’t offer as much stimulation as other toys on this list.

Butt plugs are often lubed to avoid leaks, and some have a small hole on the side for your partner’s finger to enter. They can also help you practice anal dilating or kegel exercises, and are ideal for men who want to add a butt plug to their BJ routines.

The Handy

Another sex toy that Procida calls a “hand-job or blowjob machine” is the Handy, which operates independently after you add lube. It can be used to give anal stims or deep throatings, and can be controlled via an app your partner can download.

It can be a bit of a learning curve to use, though. It’s important to lube it thoroughly and firmly, as it can feel tight at first. But once you’ve got the hang of it, you can give your partner a really luscious blowjob without even touching them or having to hold them still.

We’ve got more sex toys for guys on the list, but we can’t wait to hear your favorite options! If you have any recommendations, be sure to leave a comment below. We’ll share your picks in the next round of sex toy reviews!

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